About me

I’m Barbara, an artist. My art portrays what I feel to be the true meaning of nature—a magnificent correlation to one’s soul. Study any part of nature and you can feel an array of emotions. I strive to interpret these feelings in my work. I study my subject matter as if it was a portrait. My colors are deep and bold or soft and sensitive. I look for a feeling and work with my palette to bring that feeling to life on my paper. I believe all nature has its own uplifting, symbolic spirituality. Nature can speak to our hearts if we listen. I strive to have my work bring to the viewer a love of the earth’s beauty and a desire to behold it. .


Meeting the Challenge with my current series


After the death of both of my parents I was emotionally forced to slow down. I found my paintbrush not working as usual, I couldn’t paint what I used to. The intricate details of my past life didn’t come together any longer on my paper. Being an artist of many years I knew I had to keep showing up daily, to keep the faith that something would come through. Some days extreme frustration and fear that I would never produce fine art again would bring me to tears.

Daily I would leave my studio to take long walks along the shoreline where I would watch the birds fly and dance. Their freedom lifted my spirits, their simplicity yet amazing art form intrigued me. As life and what we do often just happens I began drawing birds. Each bird as a portrait, each with their own identity and personality.